MP3's rendered. Front and back cover design completed. But, remember my original spec idea for the collection? Ten short, ten long, ect... Something like that anyway. Well, that went way out of the window, I mean completely vanished into the void.
I got a little bit carried away messing around in FL, and then I liked what I was creating so I just carried on. In the end I came up with a collection of pieces that I was happy with and thought: "What the heck? Don't fix what's not broken".
Though, in light of the finished collection there are some points that I'm not happy with. Hell, I'll do a little mini self review here (probably in alphabetic order, and not album order since that's the order in which they show up in nautilus):
- A Dark Place - While it is a trancey, trippy, get high and listen to track, it's quite repetitive. The beat is pretty old school, which I like, but it does lack any catch lines. However, something about it just makes my brain trip a little, so I kept it in.
- Alone - It's taken me a really long time to finally get piece sounding good with a strong piano line in it. It's got some nice build ups and gives a very chillout feeling. I'd have liked the percussion to have been a little more prominent but the melody definitely carries it through.
- Avoid the Daylight - A weird one for me. It's like some kind of Ibiza rave, but with a twist. I probably could have mixed the drums in with the synth a little better, but I like little imperfections.
- Blueberry Jam - A little bit of Drum n' Bass mixed in with some old school sounds and synths. It's a happy go lucky one. I can imagine it being played at some American basketball game. The chances are that it never will. Bit of a random one I'd say.
- Depthwalker - My favourite! It's got a real sci-fi sound to it. I'm yet to listen to it while I play Timesplitters, since that's what I was thinking of the whole way through creating this one.
- Look to the Sky - Interesting sounds and drum lines. Again, very trippy style synths and some nice oscillating bass in there as well. It's all gone a bit Ibiza trance again.
- Skyline - The original piece. Chilled. Repetitive (in a good way). A little creepy. Sums up the feeling I want to get out of my music right now. I must say though, that this did slowly creepy down my favourites list the more I wrote.
- The Planet - Timesplitters galore! This would go right next to Depthwalker on my "Songs to listen to while playing Timesplitters 2". Beautiful buildup to the start, spacey sounds and a driving drum line that doesn't interfere too much, but keeps the pace going nice and quick. Only thing is that it takes over a minute and a half before it really kicks in, probably the reason it's the opening track on the album.
- Unleash the Slayer - Tribute to the Slayer City roleplaying game. I don't like this one but when it sneaked into my playlist on holiday in Greece my best mate told me he really liked it. So I kind of tagged it in on the end... I know it's bad.
So, now you're either thinking: "Shut up and let me listen to them!" or "That sounds like shite! Bye, bye".
Either way, I will compress and upload them to a friendly file-sharing server when I can. I'll post again then, see you soon!
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