So far I have completed the title piece, "Skyline" and another, more retro-darkwave sounding song called "A Dark Place". Both are still majorly unfinished, and are just rough examples of where I'm going.
I have uploaded "Skyline" to Newgrounds, but since I have a new account they're putting my first upload through some kind of approval process, which seems to be taking forever, they've had my submission for about 16 hours now, and I'm starting to wonder if they forgot about me. Anywho, I just want to see what the random people of the world will slate about it, in it's unfinished form.
People can be so mean :D
Anyway. Impatience. Never good. I signed up for a MediaFire account, where I have uploaded the rough mix of Skyline in which you may download at your own will. Hell, shove it on animations/videos. Do whatever. Just try and credit me, and don't distribute it as if you were the creator.
There I got the nasty, bad internet lingo out of the way. *Shivers*. I might need a shower after that.
Anway, here's Skyline's rough mix:
Track Name: Skyline
Contributors: Brad Smith
Mix: Rough
Collaboration Time: 3 hours
Comments: None.
Linky: Here.

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